Sunday 28 November 2010

Representation of Ethnicity.

Stereotypes in the Media.

Stereotypes of white people;

  • Law abiding?
  • Drink alcohol- Wine/Beer.
  • Class Structure- Upper, Middle, Working.
  • Stressed/Uptight.
  • Trailer Trash/Hillbillies/White Trash.
  • Educated.
  • More Academic.
  • Eloquent.
  • Nerdy.
  • Stiff (upper lip)
  • Often play stupid characters.
  • Often play the villain.
  • Bitchy.
  • Size zero.
  • Different hair colours.
  • Dry/Sarcastic sense of humour.
Stereotypes of Black people;
  • Big booty.
  • Gangsters/rappers.
  • Crime.
  • Can't swim.
  • Well hung.
  • Black guy always dies.
  • Relaxed/ Laid back.
  • Power hungry.
  • Cooler than white people.
  • Muscular.
  • Big lips.
  • Big Noses.
  • Colour 'black' is always mentioned when reported on the news.
  • Loud.
  • Friendly.
  • Bubbly.
  • Attitude.
  • Swagger.
  • Speak in slang/lingo.
  • Black men don't make good fathers.
  • More focused on religion.
  • Gospel.
  • Big families.
  • Small house.
  • Unusual names. 

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