Sunday 28 November 2010

Audience Booklet

Audience Booklet

Representation of Ethnicity.

Stereotypes in the Media.

Stereotypes of white people;

  • Law abiding?
  • Drink alcohol- Wine/Beer.
  • Class Structure- Upper, Middle, Working.
  • Stressed/Uptight.
  • Trailer Trash/Hillbillies/White Trash.
  • Educated.
  • More Academic.
  • Eloquent.
  • Nerdy.
  • Stiff (upper lip)
  • Often play stupid characters.
  • Often play the villain.
  • Bitchy.
  • Size zero.
  • Different hair colours.
  • Dry/Sarcastic sense of humour.
Stereotypes of Black people;
  • Big booty.
  • Gangsters/rappers.
  • Crime.
  • Can't swim.
  • Well hung.
  • Black guy always dies.
  • Relaxed/ Laid back.
  • Power hungry.
  • Cooler than white people.
  • Muscular.
  • Big lips.
  • Big Noses.
  • Colour 'black' is always mentioned when reported on the news.
  • Loud.
  • Friendly.
  • Bubbly.
  • Attitude.
  • Swagger.
  • Speak in slang/lingo.
  • Black men don't make good fathers.
  • More focused on religion.
  • Gospel.
  • Big families.
  • Small house.
  • Unusual names. 

Tuesday 23 November 2010

Notes on stereotypes of Age.

Young - (0-25) 
Includes children, teenagers and young adults.
Some stereotypes of the young can include;

  • Gangs
  • Crime
  • Parties/Clubbing.
  • Lazy.
  • Rude
  • Modern
  • Loud/noisy
  • Drugs
  • Sexual
  • Immature
  • Rely on parents
  • Teenage pregnancy
  • Moody
  • Argumentative
Some sub cultures of young people ; 

  • Chavs
  • Emos
  • Goths
  • Townies
  • Geeks
  • Grebs
The media often focuses on the negatives of the young rather than the positives, this is because young people are seen by the media to be easy targets.

Old- (60-65+) 
This can depend on the profession that the person does as a footballer aged 40 is classed as old whereas, a Politician that is 40 may be seen as 'young' - and may be seen to lack seriousness or experience (or both)
Some stereotypes of the old are;

  • Grumpy
  • Awkward
  • Stubborn
  • Smell
  • Dependant
  • Moany
  • Traditional
  • Narrow Minded
  • Hard of hearing
  • Hunchbacked
  • Anti-youth
  • Racist
  • Prefer things how they used to be.
  • Set in their ways
  • Sleep all the time
  • Hobbies
  • Lonely
  • Have their own little community
  • Wrinkly. 

Audience Theory Questions

Audience Theory Questions (1)

Sunday 14 November 2010

Thursday 11 November 2010

This is England - Notes

This is England -
  • £1.5 million Budget.
  • Funded by the National Lottery.
  • Recieved £90,000 from UK film council after production.
  • Made in 2006.
  • Directed by Shane Meadows.
  • Produced by Warp Films.
  • Based on Shane Meadows personal experiences.
  • Thomas Wasnt an actor before and was from a very deprived area.
  • It was filmed in a pre-fabricated set in sheffield that hadn't been modernised.
  • In most scenes lots of improvisation.
  • He used all natural light.
  • The producer was Mark Herbet.
  • Set in 1983.
  • Was about skinhead culture and trying to change the perception of it.
  • The audience for This is England are the Working class.
  • The Film has an 18 rating as it has a strong message all the way throught the film.
This film would appeal more to a working class audience as they can relate more to the experiences in the film, also people that were growing up in the 80's could relate as they went through the same thing as shaun in the film. This film woud appeal to both a male and female audience as shaun (main character) is very likeable.

The cinematography in This is England has a slow pace and starts with a montage of clips from important events that happened in the 1980's, this sets the scene for the film and takes the audience back to the 80's. No special effects were used in this low budget film and most of the trasitions were very simple.

Wednesday 10 November 2010

Disbility - Dr. House.

Dr. House

Representation- Disability

Some Views people may have of disabled people;

  • Depends on the type of disability.
  • They are Brave.
  • People with disabilities should have equal opportunities.
  • Some people feel awkward when around them.
  • Have sympathy for them but don't want to patronise them. 
  • Rely on other people a lot.
  • Some people may try and avoid people with disabilities.
  • They are easier to poke fun at rather than empathise with.
  • Some people with a disability embrace it and others make you well aware of it.
  • They might be bitter about their disability.
  • Most disabled people can't help being that way.
  • When seeing people in wheelchairs, you don't know where to look.
  • Most people tend to be more comfortable around physically disabled people rather than someone that is mentally disabled.
  • You don't know how to behave/act around disabled people.
Some Celebrities with Disabilities;

  • Stephen Hawking- Wheelchair, motor neurone.
  • Heather Mills- one leg
  • Gordon Brown- One eye
  • Stevie Wonder- Blind
  • Verne Troyer- Dwarf.
  • Mohammed Ali - Parkinson's Disease.
  • Michael J Fox- Parkinson's Disease.
  • Gary Coleman- Dwarf.
  • Albert Einstein- Autism.
  • Leonardo Davinci-Autism.
  • Ian Dury- Polio.
  • Mozart- Deaf.

Characters in Film-

  • Rainman- Dustin Hoffman.
  • Forest Gump - Tom Hanks.
  • My Left Foot- Daniel Day Lewis.
  • I Am Sam- Sean Penn.
  • Born on the 4th July- Tom Cruise.
  • Waterboy- Adam Sandler.
  • The Ringer- Johnny Knoxville.
  • The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button- Brad Pitt.
  • Unbreakable- Samuel L.Jackson.
  • I Robot- Will Smith.
  • Million Dollar Baby- Hillary Swank.
  • Avatar- Sam Worthington.